(Note Added May 29 2007 – More Info on the Comox Valley Landfill)

Growing up as a kid in the Comox Valley I have memories of the occasional trip to the dump to get rid of whatever it was my dad wanted to get rid of. Back in the days when you’d just drive out to Cumberland, pull into the Pigeon Lake landfill, and dump out whatever you had onto the heaping pile of garbage. As a kid I’d occasionally find various treasures that others had simply tossed aside like, well, garbage.

Not only are the free for all dump whatever you want days long since gone, the Pigeon Lake landfill will be soon too! The Comox Strathcona Regional District committee has proposed a name change, and before long it will be known as the “Comox Valley Waste Management Center”.

What does this change mean to you? Well… probably nothing really.